Finance and Mortgage Blogs


//Stuff Around the Home// KNOW your Number up FRONT! know what you can spend. ???????? A couple of tips and tricks for you: (tick) up front valuation (tick) non structural with cash out (tick) structural with a construction loan and the bank feels happy that all is...

Debt Consolidation

//BIG POT OF DEBTS INTO ONE// Benefit and the Negative is that you are able to do debt consolidation? Funny hey why a benefit and negative????????? Home loans can go over 30 years and some debts we need to think about should NOT go over 30 years.... A car or a holiday...

What the Royal Commission report means for you

What the Royal Commission report means for you

More than 1000 pages and 76 recommendations – the Royal Commission final report doesn’t exactly make for light reading. Fortunately, we’ve cut to the chase with the key recommendations and how they’ll affect you. Below we’ve outlined the biggest changes recommended by...

Why You May Need To Wait Home Loan

//WHY NOT KNOW FOR YOUR HOME LOANS ????????// Run time /⏰2:15/ Neat and tidy financial information. ???????? So you have the mortgage you wish and other credit, and you have been able to get money in the past. So what is the problem now????????????? Having neat and...

What Type of Assets Can You Have A Loan On?

//BUSINESS ASSETS// Fun business building needs... If your business rely's on: -Car -Truck -Plant and equipment-Medical Equipment -️Solar/Green Leveraging on assets that return more than the money you pay each month. You can look to pay it out and own it which is...

Switching Your Home Loan

//SWITCH IT UP ????????// Run time / ⏰1:51/ Let's make sure you have me on your side so that you can make the most out of your mortgage. ???????? In an annual review, I look at a few items before reaching out to my existing clients - that is where possible I go for a...